Navigating Divorce

It may seem like a daunting task at first, as divorce can feel like an exhausting and emotional roller coaster. However there are certain aspects you don't want to lose sight of like your impending finances. Analyzing your financial future after a divorce can build the independent future that you deserve and we want to help you by taking it one step at a time.

What is a CDFA?

A certified divorce financial analyst is a trained financial professional who can help couples and attorneys ensure that assets will be divided fairly when negotiating a divorce settlement. Their areas with years of experience include anything that may affect your long-term financial picture, such as:

  • Maintenance or child support
  • Dividing personal vs. marital property
  • Determining the future value of retirement and pension funds
  • Calculating any divorce payments
  • Divorce tax law

Have questions about your retirement?

Let Leslie help you find the answers! Book your no-obligation appointment today!

  • By submitting your contact information, you consent to be contacted regarding retirement income strategies that utilize investments and insurance products.